
Sociology and Anthropology,s Curricullum 2013

Sociology and Anthropology  Competencies and Basic Competencies Grade X Core Competencies Basic Competencies 1. Internalizing and applying religion teaching which is professed 1.1.Being grateful to God about religion diversity in social life and culture as the grace of Almighty God. 2. Developing behavior (being honest, discipline, responsible, care, polite, environment caring, team work, loving peace, responsive and proactive), showing attitudes as part of solutions toward any state problems, interacting effectively with social environment and nature, and taking position as state representation in association with global society. 2.1 To Respond positively toward any state problems related to social diversity and culture existing in society. 3. Understanding and applying factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural science, technology, art, culture, humanism, nation, matters pertaining to ...

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Perubahan Sosial

          A. Pengertian Perubahan Sosial        Perubahan sosial dan kebudayaan memiliki satu aspek yang sama, yaitu berhubungan dengan suatu penerimaan cara-cara baru atau perbaikan  dalam cara masyarakat memnuhi kebutuhannya. Mengapa perubhana sosial melekat pada diri suatu masyarakat dengan kebudayaannya? Hal itu terjadi karena alasan-alasan berikut:

Grade:10-Term 4: Social control

Social control The effort to create equilibrium/balance condition in society. The goal is to achieve harmony between stability and change in society. In society there are social norms that rule all society members behavior. The norms grow through socialization process, in which determines behaviors that are allowed and not allowed to do. In this process the norms become guidance and standard for society member. Individual in society is dynamic and always grow. They interact each other so that create social change, either progress or regress. The social change also can change social structure that already settled. By changing the social structure can create social disorder system ( ketidakseimbangan sistem ). For example the morality decadency such as free sex, drug abuse, prostitution, corruption etc. With such condition society needs social order to ensure that its members conform to accept and approve ways of behaving. without social control  it is difficult t...