
Social Conflict

       Conflict is basically due to differences in the characteristics of individuals in a social interaction with other individuals. These differences are related to physical characteristics such as, intelligence, knowledge, customs, and beliefs or convictions. By carrying individual characteristics in social interaction, conflict is a normal situation in any society and no one society has never experienced any conflict. Conflict will only disappear with the loss of society itself. So, what is meant by social conflict ? Here are some definitions of social conflict from the experts. SOCIOLOGICALLY . Social process which involve among two or more parties in pursuit of their goal to inflict harm, damage and  injury. Lewis Coser   “Social conflict is a struggle over values or claims to status, power, and scarce resources, in which the aims of the conflict group are not only to gain the desired values, but also to neutralize, injury, ...

Masyarakat Multikultural

Untuk memahami lebih jauh mengenai pengertian masyarakat multikultural, ada baiknya kamu menyimak pendapat para ahli sosiologi dan antropologi berikut ini. 1. J.S. Furnival   Masyarakat multikultural atau majemuk adalah masyarakat yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih komunitas atau struktur kelembagaan yang berbeda-beda satu sama lainnya. 2. Nasikun   Masyarakat majemuk atau multikultural adalah suatu masyarakat yang menganut sistem nilai yang berbeda di antara berbagai kesatuan sosial yang menjadi anggotanya, sehingga para anggotanya kurang memiliki loyalitas terhadap masyarakat sebagai suatu keseluruhan, kurang memiliki homogenitas kebudayaan, dan bahkan kurang memiliki dasar-dasar untuk saling memahami satu sama lain. Masyarakat multikultural terdiri atas lebih dari dua kelompok masyarakat yang memiliki perbedaan karakteristik yang didorong oleh latar belakang sejarah, kondisi geografis, dan pengaruh kebudayaan asing. Merujuk pada pengertian masyarakat mu...

Social Group

Definition The group of people having interaction and interrelation that bring about the sense of   b elonging . According to sociologists      Paul B. Horton: Group means every number of people phisically (For example ,   a number of people are waiting bus) .       Roland L. Warren: One social group consists of the number of people who interact and having interaction pattern that can be uderstood by all the members.        Mayor Polak: A number of people having an interrelation in a structure.       Wila Huky: Group is a unit consists of two people or more, who interact or communicate each other .       Robert K. Merton: Group is a number of people who interact each other suitably for an established pattern.      Mac Iver dan Charles H. Page: Social group is an association or the unit of people who live together. ...