Social Group

The group of people having interaction and interrelation that bring about the sense of  belonging.

According to sociologists

  1.      Paul B. Horton: Group means every number of people phisically (For example,  a number of people are waiting bus).
  2.      Roland L. Warren: One social group consists of the number of people who interact and having interaction pattern that can be uderstood by all the members.
  3.       Mayor Polak: A number of people having an interrelation in a structure.
  4.       Wila Huky: Group is a unit consists of two people or more, who interact or communicate each other.
  5.       Robert K. Merton: Group is a number of people who interact each other suitably for an established pattern.
  6.      Mac Iver dan Charles H. Page: Social group is an association or the unit of people who live together.


  1.      There is an awareness as the part of the group.
  2.      There is a reciprocal relation among the member of the group within its group.
  3.      There is binding factor that is owned together by group members, so their relation closer.
  4.      Having the same structure, norm, and behaviour pattern.
  5.      Being systemized and being prosessed.

1. Survival
2. Improving eficiencies and work efectivity.
3. Creating new generation


  1.       CLOSESNESS (Physical environment, school, work place, emotional binding)
  2.       SIMILARITY (hobbies, belief, norm, ages, intellegencies degre, charater)

The type of social group

Emile Durkheim

Durkheim devided social group into two,
1. Mechanic Solidarity (solidaritas mekanik)
n    Common attitude and behaviour (Persamaan perilaku dan sikap)
n    Collective consciousness (Kesadaran kolektif). Belief and feelings.
n    Hold traditional morals and beliefs (Masyarakat sederhana)
2. Organic solidarity (solidaritas organik)
n    Labour devision system (Sistem pembagian kerja)
n    Inter - dependence (saling ketergantungan)
n    Collective agreement among diverse professions
n    Technology dependent 

Ferdinand Tonnies

According to Ferdinand Tonnies, group in society is devided  into two:

  1.      Gemeinschaft (Paguyuban)
        Intimate, private, exclusive relation, long term group
a     Gemeinschaft by blood
b     Gemeinschaft  of place
c      Gemeinschaft of mind (ideology)
  1.      Gesselschaft (Patembayan)
a     Identical with Urban Society
b     Economical orientation
c      Formed to fulfill certain interests.
d     Temporary or short term group

Charles H Coley

Charles H. Cooley defined Social group based on the amount member of the group)
Primary group (kelompok primer)
Family and extended family
  1.      Close relation (hubungan dekat)
  2.      Small in member (jumlah anggota kecil)
  3.      There is a permanent relation (adanya hubungan permanen/kekal)

Ellsworth Farris

He critisized Cooley because he only mention primary group. According to Farris, there is also  secondary group in society  (kelompok sekunder). The characteristic are:
  1.      Formally relation (Hubungan yang formal)
  2.      The member are many
  3.      Do not know each other
  4.      Having institution as the characteristic of  
 The example of secondary social group are “koperasi dan political parties.

 W.G Summer
Sumner devided social group into two, they are:
  1.      In-group (kelompok kita, kelompok dalam)
         For example: One school
          the relation are friendship, collaboration, order, peaceful

  1.      Out-group.(kelompok luar                                                                                                              For example: Different school                                                                                                     The relation between in-group and out-group are signed by hatred (kebencian) and rivalry (permusuhan).

Robert K. Merton

Reference Group
         A reference group is a group to which we compare ourselves. Reference groups, such as college freshmen, serve as a standard to which we measure our behaviors and attitudes. We use reference groups in order to guide our behavior and attitude and help us to identify social norms.
        Most reference groups are informal reference groups, which mean that they are based on the group members’ shared interest and goals. Group members interact on a very personal level. Examples of informal reference groups include: families, a group of local mothers, peer group.
      Formal reference group have a specific goal or mission. They also have a specific structure and position of authority. Examples of formal reference groups include: Labor union, a society for people with high IQ, Mothers Against Drunk Driving etc.

Membership Group

Physical and registered members. For Example the members of Armed Force (TNI in Indonesia)

Soerjono Soekanto

Formal Group

Organized rules and structure, legal and registered for example company, cooperation

Informal Group

This is not a registered organisation, non-structural, meetings only when necessary, equal teamwork. For example local mother association (Arisan ibu-ibu)


People with the same profession or work field For example Indonesia Doctor Association (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia)


Group with the same interest for example Pemuda Pancasila Organization.

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