Social Stratification

Social Stratification Definition

Max Weber
 A classification of certain group of people into hierarchy system based on power, privilege and prestige.

A placement pattern of social class categories based on rights differences.

Pitirim A. Sorokin 
The differentiation of population or society into classes, which is arranged in hierarchy

Social class is consisted of : upper class, middle class, and lower class.

The Background Of Social Stratification 

¡  It happens by itself as part of social processes. The triggers factors are ability or intelligence, ages, physic, Sex, richness. Every society has own determination to decide social stratification.
¡  Later on, Social stratification is shaped on purpose as a part of social subsystem to achieve certain goal. For example, power system in government, military layer.

Based Social Stratification 

Wealth/ Richness

Social Stratification Characteristic

Closed system
n  No social mobility
n  tend to persist across generations

 Opened system
n  ease of social mobility permitted

Social Stratification Function

 The unequal distribution of goods and services, rights and obligations, power and prestige
  Determined status symbol and position
 Solidarity instrument between individual/group with the same position.

Class and group Division

 Economy: Based Economic achievement.

 Social: Based on social status. One status is respected from prestige.

Political: Social classification based on authority or power.

Class Division and Group Based On Economy

  •     Pyramid division
  •     Upper group are few and the lower are many
  •     First Group: Very Rich Second Group: Rich
  •     Third Group: poor group.


  • *      Division based on production instrument control
  • *      Capitalist Group (occupy lands and production instruments);  
  •       Middle class Government employee); and proletarian (does not have production instruments and land, worker class)

¡  Upper-upper class
¡  Lower-upper class
¡  Upper-middle class
¡  Lower-middle class
¡  Upper-lower class
¡  Lower-lower class

          Top class
          Academic middle class
          Economic middle class
          Workmen and formens class
          Underdog class


  • *       Elite
  • *       Professional
  • *       Semi professional
  • *       Skill
  • *       Semi skill
  • *       Unskilled               


l  Farmer society
l  Feudal society
l  Dutch era (colonialism era)
l  Japanese Era
l  Modern Industry Era

The Character of Farming Society
  • Rely on Lands as resources income
  • High dependence upon nature
¡  Close relation between groups
¡  Low social mobility
¡  Tend to close and suspicious upon another culture
¡  Homogeneity society
¡  Believe in supernatural things
¡  Informal leadership pattern.
¡  Stick on tradition

Social Stratification System in Farming Sociaty (1)

Based on land property, divide into three layers:
  1. Farmers who own land/field and house.
  2. Farmers who does not have land, but have house and yard.
  3. Farmers who does not have land and yard to build house


Based on economy criteria, divides into three layers:
  1. Village elite who has food reserves and business development.
  2. Those who have food reserves only.
  3. Those who do not have food reserves and business reserves, and have to work to survive

Farming,s Term in Indonesia

n  Cikal Bakal: orang yang pertama kali membuka hutan untuk dijadikan tempat tinggal dan lahan pertanian
n  Kuli Kenceng: orang yang memiliki banyak tanah dan kaya karena keuletan dan kemampuan lainnya
n  Kuli Kendo: petani yang hanya memiliki tanah sedikit dan hanya cukup untuk dikonsumsi sendiri
n  Buruh Tani: orang yang tidak memiliki tanah, namun bekerja di sektor pertanian

Social Strata in feudal society at  Surakarta and Yogyakarta

  1. Kaum Bangsawan (Sultan dan keluarga dan kerabat).
  2. Golongan priyayi (pegawai kerajaan, bukan keturunan raja)
  3. Golongan wong cilik (rakyat jelata yang hidup mengabdi untuk raja)
Social Stratification in feudal Aceh society
  1. Keturunan raja atau bangsawan sebagai golongan atas (gelar: Cut, Teuku dan Teungku)
  2. Golongan kedua meliputi olee balang (pegawai/pengawal raja)
  3. Golongan bawah atau rakyat jelata
Lapisan sosial feodal di Sulawesi Selatan
  1. Anakarung (golongan bangsawan dan keturunan raja-raja)
  2. To-maradeka (orang merdeka atau buka budak)
  3. Ata (para budak yang meliputi orang-orang yang tidak mampu membayar utang atau orang-orang yang kalah perang
n  Pakaian
n  Rumah dan Perabot
n  Bahasa dan Gaya Bicara
n  Makanan
n  Gelar, Pangkat, atau Jabatan
n  Hobi dan Kegemaran

*       Amati kondisi sosial masyarakat di sekitarmu (lingkungan rumah), lakukan identifikasi bentuk struktur sosial masyarakat yang ada dan pada posisi di mana kamu berada!
*       Lakukan analisa sesuai dengan materi yang telah diberikan serta referensi lainnya!


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