
Showing posts from November, 2013

Deviant Behaviour

Socialization process produces conformity. Conformity is interaction form , which   an individual behave to others according with group or society   expectation where he live in (John M Shepard) . Meanwhile behaviour which is not appropriate with values, norms in society is called deviance (deviant behaviour). •           Korblum     Deviance cannot be categorized only for individual or society but also happen toward social institution. •           James W. Van der Zanden     Deviant behaviour is bhaviour Penyimpangan perilaku merupakan tindakan yang oleh sejumlah besar orang dianggap sebagai hal yang tercela dan di luar batas toleransi •           Robert M.Z. Lawang     Perilaku menyimpang adalah semua tindakan yang tidak sesuai dengan norma-norma yang berlaku dalam suatu sis...

Social Interaction

Social Interaction is reciprocal relationship in the form of action that influence between individual and individual, individual and group, group and group.  In the social interaction process individual or group are work together, doing interaction, having conflict formal and non formal and directly or indirectly. In social interaction, reciprocal relationship that involves social aspect and humanity in both sides such as emotion, physical, interest happen. According to Charles P. Loomis a relation is called social interaction if it has some conditions 1. The doer or agent is more than one 2.  There is communication between agents using language or symbols. 3. There is time dimension: past time, present time and future time. 4. There is a goal to achieved as the result of the interaction. The conditions in order to social interaction happen there should be social contact and communication. Social Contact Social contact can happen not o...